Welcome to Carrick Primary School
The Motto - 'Ar Aghaidh Le Cheile' means 'Forward Together'
The stag symbolizes sport
The harp symbolizes music
The book symbolizes learning
The joined hands symbolize prayer
The Motto - 'Ar Aghaidh Le Cheile' means 'Forward Together'
The stag symbolizes sport
The harp symbolizes music
The book symbolizes learning
The joined hands symbolize prayer
Our video below:-
"A Day in the Life of Carrick Primary School" will give you some insight into life in Carrick school. Do you shop online? Use the Easyfundraising website and the retailer will make a small donation to Carrick Primary School at no extra cost to you, every time you shop.
Go to the Easyfundraising website and simply 'Join Up'. May we take this opportunity to welcome you to Carrick Primary School’s website.
Carrick Primary School first opened in 1939, and since then, our school has prospered and its good reputation has blossomed. Our pupils have enjoyed success not only in examinations but also in a wide range of other areas. This success is primarily due to the fact that our children are encouraged and challenged to explore their gifts, spiritual as well as intellectual, physical as well as social, in a warm and friendly atmosphere. We believe that children cannot learn if they are not happy. Therefore every effort is made to provide all the support that children need. We pride ourselves on the excellent staff-student relationships which exist in Carrick Primary School and on the effectiveness of our Pastoral Care provision. We value the services and support of our Priests, Monsignor Hugh Connolly and Canon Powell. This website has been designed to provide you with an insight into the life and work of our school. Our hope is that it reflects the genuine concern we feel, with regard to the needs of all our pupils and staff. If you require more information about any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to contact me. Mrs Anne Cassidy PRINCIPAL |
Latest NewsMission Statement:
In Carrick Primary School we aim to provide a safe, caring and stimulating environment, in which to realise and celebrate the academic and non-academic potential of all our pupils. We expect our pupils to work hard and for parents to assist us in laying the important foundations for future learning. Forward Together: “Ar Agháidh le Chéile” |