Health & Safety site visit to new Burren Community Hub
Listening to the Voice of our Children
As part of Burren Vision’s community consultation for their Big Lottery Space & Place application, the pupils of Carrick Primary School had a significant input into the detail of how our new community hub would look and what type of activities would take place in it when built and thankfully their involvement continues. This week the appointed contractor, Killowen Contracts, coordinated a visit to the school to inform our children about stayin, safe at the site, when in the area and the building’s construction before paying the site a visit.
As part of Burren Vision’s community consultation for their Big Lottery Space & Place application, the pupils of Carrick Primary School had a significant input into the detail of how our new community hub would look and what type of activities would take place in it when built and thankfully their involvement continues. This week the appointed contractor, Killowen Contracts, coordinated a visit to the school to inform our children about stayin, safe at the site, when in the area and the building’s construction before paying the site a visit.
Presentation at the school:
Visit to the building site: